bet365官网的目标是促进家长参与学校活动,促进家长之间的交流. We play a vital role in many school functions, including welcoming new parents, organizing class gatherings, 通过志愿服务来支持教师的需求.
The purpose of the association is to:
- Encourage parent participation and support
- Serve as a channel of communication
- 协助Waynflete社区实现共同目标
- 赞助提高学生生活质量的活动
All Waynflete parents are encouraged to get involved in Parents Association opportunities throughout the year. 考虑成为班级家长,参加bet365官网的 committees, volunteering with the library or arts, 或在家长协会担任领导职务.
当前家长可以在家长协会的 Parent Portal.
Email us with any questions or comments!
Parents are a very valuable resource at Waynflete. 通过志愿者的努力,父母年复一年地提供必要的服务和帮助. From chairing an event to shelving books in the library, 志愿者在bet365官网社区发挥了积极的作用. bet365官网欢迎你来看看所有父母可以做志愿者的好方法. Throughout the year, 您还将收到电子邮件,要求志愿者参加特殊活动和项目. Find a way for you to make a difference! Contact us to learn more!
Parents Association
考虑成为班级家长,参加bet365官网的 committees, volunteering with the library or arts, 或在家长协会担任领导职务.
Officers, Committee Chairs, and Class Parents 会在三月初为下一学年招收学生吗. Click here 了解更多有关这些机会的信息.
Arts Volunteers
bet365官网欢迎愿意协助音乐的家长志愿者, Theater, Dance, and Visual Arts departments with performances, art exhibits, recitals, and more.
Athletics Volunteers
这些志愿者通过帮助组织季前赛高中运动员/家庭烧烤(8月)来支持体育部。, Sport Recognition Nights (November, February, June), and organizing team parents and snack shack volunteers.
Library Volunteers
这些志愿者帮助组织活动,支持维恩弗利特图书馆, 包括Spring Fling的旧书销售,以及书架和图书馆物理空间中出现的其他需求. If interested, please contact Laurel Daly.
Fall Parent Event
一个轻松的社交聚会,重点是将成年Waynflete社区聚集在一起享受音乐, food, beverages, and socializing.
Faculty/Staff Appreciation
Social Committee
Spring Fling
Contact the Parents Association to learn more!
招生办公室欢迎家长志愿者做幕后工作,如组装录取包, assist with mailings, 以及协助bet365官网顺利运作的一般文书工作. bet365官网还保留了一份愿意与未来家庭交谈的父母名单, 并在bet365官网全年的一些重要入学活动中提供协助. 希望到招生办做志愿者的家长请联系 Fiona Haslett. If you submit your name to Fiona, 当有机会提供帮助时,bet365官网会直接与您联系.
Development and Alumni Relations
The Waynflete Fund
Waynflete基金帮助学生们每天接受非凡的教育. 义工们与其他家长建立个人联系,以保证这项年度募款活动的成功.
No experience is necessary! Just the desire to support Waynflete, its teachers, 项目和学生以及鼓励其他家长也这样做的意愿.
Grandparents & Friends Day
祖父母和朋友日在每年的五月举行,父母志愿者对这一天的成功至关重要. 具体的志愿者角色包括迎接和引导客人到达bet365官网的校园,并帮助在健身房为300多名祖父母和朋友提供自助早餐.
School Mailings
Waynflete依靠家长志愿者全年协助各种邮件. 塞几个小时的信封是一种快速而简单的方法,可以改变学校的生活,同时也可以了解其他家长.
如欲自愿参与发展及校友关系,请联络 Kelsey Robinov.
Lower School
有许多不同的方式,家长志愿在低年级. 在教室里做志愿者的机会确实因课程和学生的发展需要而异. 课堂志愿者包括一些常规的选择,比如陪同学生团体往返图书馆,或者支持学生完成课堂任务和工作计划, helping with special events, chaperoning students on field trips, and sharing relevant parent expertise with students.
了解如何在教室里做志愿者的最好方法是联系你孩子的老师, 让参加这个项目的班级家长知道你对志愿服务很感兴趣. 家长组织的活动,如班级野餐和家长咖啡是另一个很好的志愿者方式. 请注意,希望在低年级做志愿者的家长必须参加低年级主任的培训研讨会(机会在十月的《bet365官网》上有概述)。. For more information, contact Lower School Assistant Diane Godsoe or Lower School Director Anne Scribner Hopkins.
Middle School
- LEAP Week Team Challenge Day in early September
- 5月的八年级音乐剧(1月开始志愿者机会)
For more information, contact Middle School Assistant Steve Gilbert.
Upper School
家长可以通过不同的方式在高中做志愿者. Throughout the year, 家长们将会收到邀请志愿者参加辅导日的邮件, Class Picnics, events and special projects. For more information, contact Upper School Assistant Jack Konyk.